sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

Blog 4: Education

Hello to everyone who is reading me! ✌

Today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about my perspective on the education system🏫, specifically about my experience in that transition from high school to college. 

I studied for thirteen years in the same school, so as far as education is concerned, all my experience is based in the same place. A private-subsidized establishment, with high prestige in terms of results (measured in numbers💯💲). But with a serious and common problem in practice: the good students (a group I had the privilege of being part of) were given everything, but those who did not have good grades in mathematics or biology ("the important") were excluded and repressed: in such a school a musical prodigy would be invisible or excluded.

Now, from my privilege and my bubble of "academic excellence”📚
, I was not allowed to see beyond. I could not notice that there will always be people smarter than me and that not everything will always turn out as I expect. 

As you may deduce, the transition from high school to college for me was very difficult. My bubble suddenly burst💥 and I felt inadequate when comparing myself to thousands of people as smart or smarter than me. 

That's why I want to give a piece of advice to those of you in high school💬: Don't compare your abilities and don't suppress yourself! Take advantage of high school to discover yourselves, numbers are not everything! Make no mistake, just because you have a better grade or a better score does not mean you will be more capable in college. The important thing is to discover what you are passionate about and once you get there, nourish yourself with knowledge. Learning from those people who are smarter than you, not feeling sad or little. Don't let this competitive education system ruin the beautiful experience of learning! 💖✊💖✊

3 comentarios:

  1. omg I very much agree with what you write! I had similar experiences during high school so I understand your perspective, I think the advice you give is very good

  2. Despite not having been in a prestigious school (quite the opposite xd) something similar happened to you in terms of being used to always being above others in terms of grades, I think this did not affect me further since I always had in his head that they were just notes, one more step to get to college. I still had the problem of seeing that there is always someone who does better, it took me a little to understand. I liked your post :)

  3. Luckily you broke your bubble, there are people who never get out of it. I agree with your advice:)


Blog 5: Cats🐱🐈

Hello everyone!✌ Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the "things" I love the most in life: kittens 🐈 For as long as ...