sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

Blog 3: Religion

Hello everyone! ✌💖
Today I will tell you a little bit about what I think about Religion.
To be honest, I don't consider myself a religious person. I'm not an atheist person, but I don't believe in anything strongly either. 
But the truth is that I would like to believe in something!
So here I am, in limbo.  Not closing myself off to anything and trying to believe. Because if there's one thing I believe in, it's that religion is something very important in the lives of those who are lucky enough to believe.
And more than Religion (which has caused much war and death in its name💀), what I consider important and beneficial is "faith". Faith is something that can help people to be reborn in their worst moments, to see life with different eyes, in a more positive way. Even death stops being so scary and sad when you have confidence in what you believe in, whether it is in the afterlife or heaven. That is why I think it is very important to respect and learn from all religions because even though they all have different characteristics and beliefs, it is that faith is something that could give a special meaning to your life✨.

5 comentarios:

  1. I like the way how you express your opinion about faith. On the other hand, I found very relatable your statement at the beginning of your blog, that about wanting to believe in something but not being a religious person at the same time.

  2. I liked your post, what most attracts me to religions is to study them jajdsjjds

  3. Yes!! ALso I think that the religions or he faith are something that could give a special meaning to your life... I hope you find your faith, even in yourself.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your words! I very much agree on what you say about faith. Although I still don't know what to do when one has lost it.

  5. how nice what you write! I don't believe in something in specific either, but I think the same about how it can sometimes change people's lives for the better


Blog 5: Cats🐱🐈

Hello everyone!✌ Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the "things" I love the most in life: kittens 🐈 For as long as ...