sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021

Blog 5: Cats🐱🐈

Hello everyone!✌ Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the "things" I love the most in life: kittens🐈 For as long as I can remember cats have been my best friends. I'm the youngest of 3 siblings and the only female, so in my childhood, I didn't have much company to play with :(. My company was always my cats (haha I sound like the crazy cat lady). But the truth is that since I was little I created such a special bond with them... a bond that I don't know how to explain🐾. They were able to fill a void in my life and I love them for that. Today I have two cats: Kali😽 and Kurt😼 (Cucho). And they are my babies and my best friends in life. I don't even want to think about what would happen if they were missing :( And in that sense, I fail to understand when they tell me "they are just animals... like so ridiculous"😤. Those who are "just animals" are the most sincere, loving, loyal, and beautiful beings to me. ✨Beings of light capable of bringing a smile to my face in my worst moments. What more could I ask for?  Definitely, if you make me choose between the human company or my "just animals", I'll keep my Kali and my Cucho haha 💖

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

Blog 4: Education

Hello to everyone who is reading me! ✌

Today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about my perspective on the education system🏫, specifically about my experience in that transition from high school to college. 

I studied for thirteen years in the same school, so as far as education is concerned, all my experience is based in the same place. A private-subsidized establishment, with high prestige in terms of results (measured in numbers💯💲). But with a serious and common problem in practice: the good students (a group I had the privilege of being part of) were given everything, but those who did not have good grades in mathematics or biology ("the important") were excluded and repressed: in such a school a musical prodigy would be invisible or excluded.

Now, from my privilege and my bubble of "academic excellence”📚
, I was not allowed to see beyond. I could not notice that there will always be people smarter than me and that not everything will always turn out as I expect. 

As you may deduce, the transition from high school to college for me was very difficult. My bubble suddenly burst💥 and I felt inadequate when comparing myself to thousands of people as smart or smarter than me. 

That's why I want to give a piece of advice to those of you in high school💬: Don't compare your abilities and don't suppress yourself! Take advantage of high school to discover yourselves, numbers are not everything! Make no mistake, just because you have a better grade or a better score does not mean you will be more capable in college. The important thing is to discover what you are passionate about and once you get there, nourish yourself with knowledge. Learning from those people who are smarter than you, not feeling sad or little. Don't let this competitive education system ruin the beautiful experience of learning! 💖✊💖✊

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

Blog 3: Religion

Hello everyone! ✌💖
Today I will tell you a little bit about what I think about Religion.
To be honest, I don't consider myself a religious person. I'm not an atheist person, but I don't believe in anything strongly either. 
But the truth is that I would like to believe in something!
So here I am, in limbo.  Not closing myself off to anything and trying to believe. Because if there's one thing I believe in, it's that religion is something very important in the lives of those who are lucky enough to believe.
And more than Religion (which has caused much war and death in its name💀), what I consider important and beneficial is "faith". Faith is something that can help people to be reborn in their worst moments, to see life with different eyes, in a more positive way. Even death stops being so scary and sad when you have confidence in what you believe in, whether it is in the afterlife or heaven. That is why I think it is very important to respect and learn from all religions because even though they all have different characteristics and beliefs, it is that faith is something that could give a special meaning to your life✨.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Blog 2: Healthcare System

Hello everybody! ✌ Today, I want to make a very personal reflection about the healthcare system in the country where I live: Chile.

Global studies position Chile as one of the countries with the best healthcare system in America, but that is not what most chileans see every day👀.  In reality, in this country where social inequality and profit💲 predominate, health is a privilege. When in reality health should be a right of all people, no matter what social class they belong to, or how much money they have.

In Chile, the material, financial and human resources (the best professionals, with greater specialization, experience and vocation) are destined to the private health service.  And the "surplus" goes to the public health service.

This causes that in Chile, the health service that is available to most of the people, is completely collapsed, with long waiting lists and with very few specialists. Hours and hours of waiting, to often receive very poor attention or nothing at all.  And going home worse than when you arrived, losing hope every day more in a country that   makes of health, one more business at the service of the highest bidder. 💰💰💰

Blog 5: Cats🐱🐈

Hello everyone!✌ Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the "things" I love the most in life: kittens 🐈 For as long as ...